Join Us!

We are delighted that you are interested in working with us at The National House Project.
All our staff and trustees are passionately committed to making a difference to the lives of young people leaving care. Our working culture is supportive, innovative, and friendly. We aim to improve the wider leaving care services and develop an expert care experienced user voice to change the narrative about care leavers and ensure that they are making decisions about their lives and their projects. We actively encourage approaches from people of different ages, physical ability, sexual orientation, race and religious belief and those with care experience.




Values and Behaviours.

At NHP we are committed to doing the right thing and believe that with the right support young people can succeed. We are driven by individual and collective values that we at times refer to as the ‘House Project spirit’ and that our social pedagogy colleagues would refer to as our Haltung.



Current Vacancies

Practice Lead

We are seeking a Practice Lead with experience of the care system to play an essential role within a charity dedicated to supporting young people leaving care. 

We provide support and expertise to local authorities around the country to set up and manage Local House Projects so that young people leave care in a planned and supported way.

About The Role

As Practice Lead you will have primary responsibility for supporting projects in Scotland and the North of England. You will support staff in local house projects to create an environment where young people transition to adulthood in a positive and supported way. You will work with the Care Leavers National Movement as well as the core team to ensure that young people continue to drive their own local house project and develop practice at both a local and national level.

Practice Lead advert

Practice Lead JD & PS

To apply please send your CV and Cover letter to

Closing date: 5pm Thursday 22 August

Interviews: Wednesday 4 September



We currently do not have any vacancies. Please keep checking back.


Meet the Team

Meet the team at the National House Project and find out more about the consultants and trustees.

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What do I do?
About Us

The vision of the National House Project is for young people leaving care live connected and fulfilling lives. 

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Support Us

With your help, we can offer these young people a place they can call home.

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