Policy Statement

The National House Project strives to be a learning organisation. We welcome all comments and feedback about the way we work, whether positive or negative- so that we can do even better in the future. The National House Project is committed to providing an excellent service. We regard complaints as an opportunity to learn and to improve. If you have a complaint about us or problem, we will aim to resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible in a personal, fair and confidential way.

Scope of the procedure

This Complaints procedure applies to complaints about the organisation from young people and staff in the Local Authorities where they are contracted to the National House Project. It does not apply to complaints from the organisation’s staff or volunteers, which are considered under the organisation’s grievance and problem-solving procedures.


The purpose of our complaints handling procedures is to ensure that we
  • listen and are responsive to people who raise an issue with us
  • respond swiftly and at a level close to the point of service delivery
  • are fair and consistent
  • offer solutions and/or explanations
  • offer complainants recourse to someone more senior/more independent if they wish
  • ensure that staff who are mentioned in complaints receive support
  • respect confidentiality, record complaints consistently, and monitor what we record
  • use complaints positively as an opportunity for learning and improvement.



Read the full Complaints Policy here


Contact Us

If you have a query relating to this policy, please contact us: –

Couzens Building CO3A,
Crewe Green Road,
Tel: 01270 215888 / 07876 217799